Kandy Fenty Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Kandy Fenty

Kandy Fenty is Rihanna’s older sister. She has made headlines for her own accomplishments and net worth. Born in 1971 in Barbados, Kandy is currently 53 years old. She studied business at the University of the West Indies and has worked as a pharmacy assistant. Kandy is 5’3″ tall. She is much older than her sister. She was already in her late teens when Rihanna was born.

Kandy’s maternal grandparents raised her. She’s always been a supportive figure in her sister’s life. She has even worked with her on projects, such as with Kanye West. As of 2024, her net worth is estimated to $2 million. Let’s look closer at Kandy Fenty’s age, height, weight, family, and bio. We want to learn more about this influential celebrity family member.

Who is Kandy Fenty?

Kandy Fenty is the big sister of a famous singer named Rihanna. She was born in Barbados, an island with lots of sunshine and beaches. Kandy attended school to learn about business. She has also worked at a pharmacy, where people get their medicine. Kandy is older than Rihanna and was already a teenager when it’s born.

She isn’t as tall as some people, but she is still taller than others. Kandy has saved a lot of money from her hard work. She is a part of her famous sister’s life, and they both share the same dad. Kandy loves doing many fun things, like it’s reading and drawing.


Kandy Fenty
Date of Birth
53 years old as of 2024

Real Name

Kandy Fenty is a name you might hear and think of candy, but it’s actually the real name of a special person. Kandy’s parents gave her name to her when she was born, just like everyone receives a name at birth.

She uses it when signing papers. She also uses it when she meets new friends. Even though it sounds sweet and fun, it’s a very important part of who she is. So, when you hear “Kandy Fenty,” you know it’s the name of someone unique, like how your name is special to you.

Early Life and Family Origins

Kandy Fenty grew up in a sunny place called Barbados. Beautiful beaches and clear blue water surrounded it. When she was a little girl, she lived with her grandparents, who loved her very much. Kandy has a sister named Rihanna, who was born when Kandy was already a teenager.

They share the same dad, Ronald Fenty. Growing up, Kandy liked to play outside. She also liked to read books and spend time with her family. She felt love, laughter, and many fun adventures on the island in her childhood. Kandy’s family always stuck together, supporting each other through everything.

Parents and siblings.

Kandy Fenty’s daddy is named Ronald Fenty. He is also Rihanna’s daddy, which makes Rihanna her sister! Kandy and Rihanna share the same dad, making them full sisters. Kandy grew up with her family in a beautiful place called Barbados. She has other brothers and sisters too. But everyone knows she’s Rihanna’s big sister – they both achieve amazing things.

Kandy loves her family very much and they all care for each other. Kandy spent a lot of fun times with her sisters and brothers while growing up. They played and had adventures together on the sunny island they call home.


Kandy Fenty keeps her heart matters like a secret treasure chest. It’s like in stories where pirates hide treasure. Kandy keeps her personal life private, including details about her husband. It’s like she has a map with an “X” that marks the spot, but only she knows where it is.

So, if you’re curious about her prince charming, it’s a bit of a mystery. What we do know is that Kandy loves her family a lot and always shares her happiest moments with them. like how every fairy tale has its secrets, so does Kandy’s story.


Kandy Fenty, like many people, loves her family very much. If she has any children, they are a special part of her life. like in families where moms and dads take care of their kids, Kandy would do the same, giving lots of love and support.

Kids bring happiness and fun into a home, and they learn from their parents. Whether Kandy has little ones or not, family is very important to her. In families, people help each other. They share stories and make great memories together. They show how much they care.

Kandy Fenty physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Kandy Fenty is as tall as a grown-up lady, standing at 5 feet 6 inches. Her weight is 64kg. Kandy looks very nice and takes good care of herself.

Like characters in your favorite stories, they go on adventures. They need to be strong and healthy. Kandy makes sure she’s like that. It’s like she’s ready to be a hero in her own story, being fit and happy with how she looks!

Kandy Fenty Before Fame

Before Kandy Fenty became known as Rihanna’s big sister, she was a little girl living in Barbados. She spent her days playing in the sun. She ran on sandy beaches and enjoyed the beautiful ocean. Kandy loved to learn and was very good at school.

She always had a big smile and loved to help her family. Even as a young girl, Kandy was very caring and kind to everyone around her. She had dreams of doing big things and was always looking for ways to make those dreams come true.

Kandy Fenty Career Milestones

Kandy Fenty has worked in a pharmacy. She helped people get medicine when they were sick. This job is crucial. It’s important because ensuring people have the correct medicine helps them get better. She also studied a lot about business. This taught her to manage money and make good decisions at work.

Learning about business helped Kandy in her job at the pharmacy and in other things she wanted to do. These steps in her career are like climbing a ladder, each one takes her higher and helps her achieve big dreams.

Kandy Fenty Net Worth and Financial Success

Kandy Fenty has worked very hard and saved her money. She learned about business, which helped her make smart choices with her money. Because of her hard work, Kandy has saved a lot of money, about $2 million!

Think of all the toys and books you could buy with that! Kandy shows us that learning and working hard can help us save money for important things. She has done a great job taking care of her money, and that’s why she has so much now.

Kandy Fenty Famous Reason

Kandy Fenty is mostly known because she’s the big sister of a very famous singer, Rihanna. She is like a sibling who does something amazing – everyone talks about it. But Kandy is special not just because of her sister.

She’s done lots of great things on her own. For example, going to school for business and working at a place where she helped people feel better. Many people first hear about Kandy because of Rihanna. But, she is also admired for her own good deeds and hard work.

Kandy Fenty Nationality and religion.

Kandy Fenty comes from a beautiful island called Barbados, which makes her Barbadian. This special place is where she was born and grew up, surrounded by blue seas and sunny skies. like we all live in a country that is a part of who we are, Barbados is a big part of Kandy.

These are things she believes in her heart. They are personal, like whether she goes to church or what kind of stories she holds dear. Everyone has their own beliefs. These beliefs fit right for them, like choosing your favorite color or ice cream flavor.

Kandy Fenty Legacy and Impact

Kandy Fenty may not be as famous as her sister Rihanna, but she has made a big mark in her own special way. She shows everyone that being kind and working hard is very important. Kandy studies business and helps people in a pharmacy. She teaches us to care for others and to never give up on our dreams.

Kandy’s love for her family and her passion for doing what she loves inspires many people to be the best they can be. Just like a shining star, Kandy lights up the way for others to follow, making the world a better place.

Kandy Fenty Future Plains

Kandy Fenty has some exciting plans for her future. She wants to keep learning new things. She’ll start her own business. She’ll use what she knows about business and helping people. Kandi dreams of traveling to more places around the world. She imagines seeing the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Great Wall of China.

Kandy also plans to spend more time in her garden. She will grow beautiful flowers and tasty vegetables. She hopes to teach kids how to read and even write a book about her adventures. Kandy looks forward to making more happy memories with her family and friends. She’ll do all the things she loves.


  • Kandy loves to read books. She finds stories about adventures and far-off places very exciting.

  • She enjoys listening to music, just like her sister, Rihanna. Her favorite songs make her want to dance.

  • Kandy likes to spend time in the garden. She plants flowers and watches them grow.

  • She also likes drawing pictures. Sometimes she draws her family and the beautiful beaches of Barbados.

  • Cooking is another hobby of Kandy’s. She tries new recipes and makes tasty dishes for her friends and family.

  • Kandy loves animals. She enjoys playing with her pet dog and taking it for walks. –

  • She finds joy in visiting new places. Exploring different parts of the world is fun for her.

Interesting Facts About Kandy Fenty

  • Kandy Fenty is Rihanna’s big sister.

  • She was born in Barbados, a beautiful island.

  • Kandy studied business in college.

  • She once worked at a pharmacy, helping people.

  • Kandy is taller than many, at 5’6″.

  • She’ll be 53 years old in 2024.

  • Kandy and Rihanna have the same dad, Ronald Fenty.

  • She lived with her grandparents when she was little.

  • Kandy has more money saved, around $2 million!

  • She likes to stay quiet but loves her sister a lot.


What does Kandy Fenty do?

Kandy studied business. She used to work at a pharmacy, where she helped people get their medicines.

How is Kandy related to Rihanna?

Kandy is Rihanna’s big sister. That means she was born before Rihanna and they have the same dad, Ronald Fenty.

How tall is Kandy?

Kandy is 5 feet 6 inches tall. That’s a little taller than many people.

Where is Kandy from?

She was born in Barbados, which is a pretty island with lots of beaches.

Does Kandy like music?

Yes, Kandy loves music like her sister. She enjoys dancing to her favorite songs.

What are Kandy’s hobbies?

Kandy loves reading books, drawing, gardening, cooking, and playing with her pet dog. She also likes to travel and see new places.


In the end, Kandy Fenty is not famous because she is Rihanna’s big sister. She has done cool things by herself! Kandy went to college and learned about business. She also helped people as a pharmacy assistant. Now, she is 53 years old and has a lot of money, $2 million!

Kandy loves doing fun things like reading, drawing, and cooking. She even has a cute dog she takes for walks. Kandy shows us it’s important to work hard and be kind. She loves her family and enjoys life’s small joys. Isn’t it cool to learn about Kandy Fenty?


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